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A. Summary

B. Functioning

C. User manual

1. Registration

2. Accessing Your Account

2.1 Login

2.2 Forgot Password

An email containing a new password will be sent to you, and once logged in, attempt to change it.

3. Projet

3.1 Creating a New Project

The new project will appear in the list below.

You can use the icon to generate a project based on the selected template.

Available templates include:

3.2 Modifying a Project

A window will appear to make the necessary modifications.

3.3 Deleting a Project

A window will appear to confirm the deletion.

Note: Deletion can only be performed if the project contains no phases!!!

3.4 Slideshow Display

You can display project information in slideshow format.

3.5 Editing a Report

You can view a report containing all project information.

You can print this report either on paper or export it to a PDF file.

4. Phase

4.1 Creating a New Phase

The new phase will appear in the list below.

4.2 Modifying a Phase

A window will appear to make the necessary modifications.

4.3 Deleting a Phase

A window will appear to confirm the deletion.

Note: Deletion can only be performed if the phase contains no tasks!!!

4.4 Slideshow Display

You can display phase information in slideshow format.

5. Task (Note)

5.1 Creating a Task

A new page will appear, containing the project title and phase title, along with the number of tasks in the chosen phase.

5.2 Task Content and Status

To format task content:

A task goes through three states:

  1. On hold
  2. In progress
  3. Closed

Each state has a color that can be changed in the settings.

5.3 Editing a Task

At the bottom of each task, there are action icons that you can use:

5.4 Displaying Tasks of a Project

A new page will appear, containing the project title, phase title, and the number of tasks in the chosen phase.

All tasks are displayed in a mosaic format.

5.5 Displaying Tasks of Another User's Project

A user can assign a task, in the context of a collaborative project, to another user, provided that user is a member of one of their teams.

In this case, the receiving user can only change the task status.

The project owner receives a notification once the task is closed.

6. Teams

6.1 Creating a New Team

The new team will appear in the list below.

6.2 Modifying a Team

6.3 Deleting a Team

A window will appear to confirm the deletion.

Note: Deletion can only be performed if the team contains no members!!!

6.4 Adding a Member to a Team

6.5 Detaching a Member from a Team

7. Project Sharing

7.1 Project Level Sharing

7.2 Team Level Sharing

7.3 Communication of Shared Project

7.4 Disabling Sharing

7.5 Automatic Sharing

To facilitate project sharing:

8. Settings

Through the Settings menu, you can:

D. Generation of Website and Portfolio

1. Automatic Generation of the Website

Utilize the icon to generate a project according to the chosen template

Available templates:

Once a template is chosen, click on to save your website, then the phases (sections) of the project will be created automatically and an icon will be added to visualize your website.

You can add a phase (section) according to your needs. The phases will be displayed as a menu on the new website.

The tasks within a phase will be the blocks of your website.

Important Note: The project name must contain the word website explicitly.

2. Structure of the Website

- The first phase:

- The second phase:

- The other phases represent the menu of the website and their tasks are content-related.

3. Sections of the Website

Which blocks will be used in the new website?

To style your website or portfolio:

The website powered by Nota will have the URL
You can purchase a domain name and link it to your website, for this contact the Nota administrator at the following addresses:

Example of Portfolio Site: View ...